Aloe Vera Farming Profit Per Acre | एलोवेरा की खेती कैसे की जाती है — Signup Trending Nature

11 min readFeb 28, 2021


By the end of this post you will be aware of — Aloe Vera farming profit in one acre land, एलोवेरा की खेती कैसे की जाती है । Minimum investment required for the cultivation of Aloe Vera, benefits, where to sell aloe vera, Ideal temperature for aloe vera cultivation, Aloe Vera belongs to genus Aloe species and more..

Lets dive in deeper

Price of 1 kg Aloe Vera leaves Minimum Rs 3 per/kg — Rs 15 per/kg depending on the verities. For low volume sales you can contact your local juice centres, beauty parlour, spa etc. And for bulk sales you can approach many pharma and juice companies. Patanjali is also a big purchaser of herbs including Aloe Vera.

When to plant Aloe Vera

It is an perennial plant that grow’s any time so you can plant aloe vera through out the year except in winters. Avoid planting alove vera specially in the month of November and December.

Purchase Aloe Vera Leaf Gel — Amazon

How long does it take for aloe vera to sprout

2 to 4 weeks. It is my personal experience, I have planted alovera in my garden and I have Sharpley observed it has taken exactly 16 days to grow.

Generally it takes two to four weeks depending on the species.

How to make aloe vera grow faster

However, aloe vera plants are light feeder’s and don’t need much fertilizer to grow they are natural growing plant’s. Aloe Vera only takes 2 to 4 weeks to grow, still if you are in hurry then you can fertilize your plant for extra growth remember don’t overfeed your plant because overfeeding and overwatering causes root rot so it is always better to underfeed the plant in comparison of overfeeding.

Note — Don’t use chemicals like dap, urea etc its an organic plant that grows naturally and don’t need chemicals so try to keep it natural and organic. It also do not required any pesticides. Some time you may see some black spots on your plant but don’t panic they are natural.

Does Aloe Vera regrow after cutting

This is a myth that leaves of alo vera regenerate after cutting. Instead of regenerating the plant will continue to grow new leaves that will take the place of leaves that are cut.

55 and 80 F° (Fahrenheit) that is 13 to 27° Celsius.

In technical language the degree Celsius is denoted as C° and the degree Fahrenheit is denoted as F°

Relationship between Fahrenheit and Celsius is

One degree Celsius = Thirty three point eight degree Fahrenheit

1° C = 33.8° F

Best soil to plant aloe vera in

As I have already mentioned that aloe vera’s are succulents so it needs well draining potting mix, which are used for cacti and succulent’s. Mixture of soil should contain rock, lava, perlite and you can also use some bar chunks. You can avoid garden soil in initial days.

Aloe Vera needs good indirect or partial natural sun light for 6–8 hours. Lack of light causes the plant to weaken. Hence, it is very difficult for aloe vera to survive in low light for long time.

How long do Aloe Vera plants live

Aloe Vera plants can easily live for up to 12 years unless until you will not over water or over fertilize it. Aloe Vera can collapse if proper sunlight is not provided.

Yes its true aloe vera is not able to grow roots directly in water. Its a species of arid conditions so it does not require water in initial days instead it needs the soil that is porous and drains quickly.

Aloe Vera plant can’t survive in standing water so while planting it in a pot always use the pot with proper drainage system. Remember it is a plant that can live without water for two to three months.

So, if you can not schedule watering for your plant then remember over watering is always dangerous for your plant in comparison of underwatering.

How long can aloe vera survive without water

Aloe Vera plants stores water in its stems hence capable of living without water for 2–3 months.

Why Aloe Vera is not growing

There are mainly two reasons behind aloevera collapse or not growing steadily. First due to the lack of sunlight it is a cactus species and needs sunlight of around 6–8 hours so always place your aloe vera plant in sunlight for better results place it in partial or indirect sunlight so the leaves should not turn yellow due to the overheating.

Secound most appropriate reason is over watering. It is a species that can survive without water for months so always be calculated while watering your plant. Instead of overwater, underwater are always good option for the plants.

Does Aloe Vera need sunlight

Aloe Vera don’t like direct sunlight because it can dry out the plant and leaves may turn yellow. Moreover the plant likes partial and indirect sunlight for at least 6–8 hours so while planting this herbal plant make sure to plant it in partial sunlight. Although you can plant it in a pot but don’t put the plant inside your home if you are doing so make sure to put the pot near by window where partial sunlight is present for at least 5–7 hours.

Aloe Vera has a profitable farming sector due to huge demand in the national and international market. Aloe Vera is widely used in the pharma sector and in the cosmetic department too. It is highly used in the food and juice industries.

Aloe Vera is known as ghritkumari and vegetable(dish) of ghratkumari is quite popular in the Haridwar region. Aloevera is also used as sweets in the sweets industries. Hence we can say Aloe Vera farming is a big industry due to vital options through various products.

The Aloe Vera plant is an easy growing natural plant that need less care and less water. It is a cost effective farming which ultimately results in a high returns due to less water consumption, minimum or no electricity use, no or less maintenance.

Is it safe to eat raw Aloe Vera

Yes eating raw aloe vera gel is absolutely safe infect it contains multiple health benefits. Aloe Vera gel contains antioxidants as well as vitamins A, B12, C and E. But don’t over eat it because over eating is always bad, for example excess of sugar makes poison.


I guess I have given enough information about the plant, if you need some more information about aloe vera succer please feel free to ask in the below comment box.

While thinking about any farming first ever question comes in mind that how to start it and how much money is required to invest on it. First let me clear in aloe vera farming you don’t need any kind of training because its an easy growing natural plant.

It prefers desert soil to perform well don’t start the cultivation in wet land or in an area where too much water stands in the land.

It is not suitable for north east region like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam due to heavy rain fall. The maximum cultivation of the plant is done in the north and middle region of India including Haryana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra (few areas) Uttarakhand.

Minimum investment required in aloe vera farming in 1 acre land

In one acre of land around 10.5 thousand aloe plant can be planted by the distance of 2 feet by 2 feet. You have to invest around Rs 35 to 40 thousand including transport charge. Its a one time investment and will give profit for at least 5 years.

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Profit from 1 acre land in aloe vera farming

If you have planted around 11 thousand plants then the profit will be approx Rs 80,000 in first year and around 3 lakh in secound year. It is not fix profit it is a profit of minimum sales value (Rs 3) for detail calculation please look at the point number 6 carefully.

Aloe Vera Harvesting Timings

It will take almost a year or 11 months to harvest aloe vera plant first time but after that it will be ready for harvesting two times in a year i.e in a gap of six months each.

Aloe Vera production in 1 year

As if we know it will take 11–12 months for first harvesting of aloe plant. It will produce 40–50 tonnes of aloe vera after first harvesting.

Lets calculate how it will produce 40 to 50 tonnes -

One aloe vera plant is of 4–7 kg in a year and we have planted 10.5 thousand plants. A plant is of 4 kg then 4 x 10,000 = 40,000 means 40 tonnes.

Aloe Vera production in 2nd year

It will increase by 15 to 20 percent in secound year. The production will increase because of baby plants it means while harvesting aloe vera in secound year, baby plants were also included. To develop baby plant at least one year is necessary.

On an average one year aloe vera plant can develop 4–6 baby plants. While calculating the figure in one acre suppose one plant is producing 3 baby plants then 10,000 x 3 = 30,000 baby plants are extra in comparison of first year this is how the growth increases by 15 to 20 percent in next year. This process continues for few more years.

Profit calculation of aloe vera plant first and secound year

Profit depends on market and its price. Lets take a minimum selling price of Rs 3.

Note — I am taking a minimum selling price as an example, you can calculate it by putting actual market value which may vary between Rs 3 to Rs 14 or more depending on various varieties and demand of the current market.

Let’s calculate it year-wise :

First year :

Rs 3 x 40,000 (plants) = Rs 120,000 one lakh twenty thousand

after deducting investment of 40 thousand your net profit will be

120,000–40,000 = Rs 80,000 net profit

Secound year :

Rs 3 x 40,000 (plants) = Rs 120,000

1.5 x 30,000 (baby plants) = Rs 45,000

120,000 + 45,000 = Rs 165,000

Note — Because of one time investment for five years, no need to deduct the investment amount (40 k) that you have deducted in first year calculation instead of that you can deduct nothing or 4–5 thousand accordingly.

Hence one lakh sixty five thousand is your overall profit. Remember now it is a profit of 6 months only because in secound year aloe vera plant provides the facility of harvesting it twice. So total profit for one year will be 2 x 165, 000 = Rs 3 lakh thirty thousand

Commercial Verities of Alo Vera in India

Aloe barbedensis, Perfoliata, A littoralis, A indica, A abyssinica, IC111271, IC111280, IC111269, AL-1, Vulgaris.

Aloe barbedenis is the most popular variety used commercially.

Aloe Vera Farming information Video in Hindi

Originally published at on February 28, 2021.




Written by Aspbeginner

I love nature and I have started a blog for nature-

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