Black Turmeric Farming Project Report | Black Turmeric Farming Profit — Signup Trending Nature
Black turmeric farming project report
Turmeric cost per acre
Black turmeric single plant price = Rs 100
1 acre land 4000 black turmeric plants can be planted
Rs 100 x 4000 plants = Rs 4 lakh
Plantation cost = Rs 4 lakh
Black turmeric seeds price = Rs 500 to 2500 per kg
1 acre land 100 to 150 kg seeds can be germinated
150 kg seeds x Rs 500 = Rs 75,000
Seeds cost = Rs 75,000
Other cost calculation
Land preparation = Rs 5,000
Irrigation cost = Rs 25,000
Labour cost = Rs 14,000
Organic manure and fertilizer cost = Rs 10,000
Plant protection charges = Rs 5000
Miscellaneous charges = Rs 5000
Other cost = Rs 64,000
Now we can calculate it in two ways — 1. Plants 2. Seeds
Lets first calculate with plants
Other cost + Plants cost
Rs 64,000 + Rs 4 lakh = Rs 4,64,000
Calculation with seeds
Other cost + Seeds cost
Rs 64,000 + Rs 75,000 = Rs 139,000
Black turmeric profit per acre
You can see while using plants we have to invest bigger amount therefore choose seeds
seeds will produce another seeds at least 3 times
150 kg x 3 = 450 kg seeds
1 kg black turmeric seed price = Rs 500 to 2500 accordingly
450 kg seeds x Rs 500 = Rs 225,000
Reduce your investment
Net profit = Profit — Cost
2,2,5000–139000 = Rs 86,000
Net profit = Rs 86,000
Note — After purchasing few plants (150–200) you can make lots of seeds so it is recommended not to purchase plants in big quantity. You should purchase plants to create more seeds then start the black turmeric cultivation later you can earn big profit.
Originally published at on July 4, 2021.