Farmers Questions About Farming Tools And Uses — Signup Trending Nature
If you are in farming it is necessary to know about basic farming tools. Some of the important questions about farming tools and uses are given in this post.
Quick Overview — Farmers’ farming tools and uses and needs are explained here.
Farmers questions about farming tools and uses
Agricultural tools used by farmers are given here with brief introductions.
A farmer is a person who used to do farming with the help of agricultural tools for their livelihood.
Any small, big, medium or large equipment or tool that is used by farmers for farming is called a farm tool or agriculture equipment.
Simple hand tools like power-operated machinery like rotavators, and tractor machinery are used for land preparation.
They are commonly used for seed, tilling, transplanting, spreading chemicals, irrigating and transporting crops. Different kinds of tools are used for each category depending on the work intensity and crop.
Rake means scuff together or heap up. It is a kind of broom that helps in clearing the farmland. It is a tool containing a toothed bar connected to long or short handles used to collect leaves, hay grass small particles etc. The tool is also used for levelling, weeding, and removing unwanted grass in garden areas.
Hand tools are such tools that are powered by hand and do not need any battery, charger or motor. Hand tools are light and easy-to-use tools used by farmers in farming.
Some of the important and simple hand tools for farming are shrub rakes, pick forks, grab, hoes, shovels, pick mattocks, spades, hand trowels, crowbars, bolos, sprinklers, sprayers, pruning shears etc.
A tractor is a machine containing 4 tires designed to pull and push heavy mud, stones and other obstacles on a farm at a low speed. The tractor is used for ploughing, tilling, harrowing, planting, disking and other similar farm tasks. Tractors are found in different models mini to large tractors.
One can buy a mini tractor to a large tractor and the average tractor price in India is Rs 2 lakh to Rs 15 lakh.
Ploughs and other implements are attached to the tractor with the help of 3 point tractor hitch or links. It looks like a triangle or an alphabet A of the English language.
The 3-pointer hitch transfers the weight and resistance of the implements to the tractor’s drive wheels resulting in a more usable transaction than normal.
Check out the below-given steps for a good tractor condition.
- The tractor must have good compression.
- It should have low oil leaks.
- It should not produce blue smoke.
- The tractor’s back tire should have an inch of tread left.
- No rattling sound should be heard while driving.
- No jerky movements should be observed.
- Different sump for oil and coolant is necessary.
- There should not be a clunking sound of the engine.
- The sediment bowl should work properly and it does not have built-in rust.
Testing agriculture equipment like pumps, engines and other machinery is required to understand their functionality, performance and characteristics under different climate conditions of different regions. The test is required to prove the efficiency of the machine that was successful in some regions. Test confirms that they can be used in different regions and different countries as well. Farm machinery testing helps the Bureau of Indian Standards to create different standards for machines and implementation. However, testing is not mandatory for every tool but some institutes provide performance reports of the tested equipment.
First, you need to obtain an application form from a farm equipment testing institute in your region. Submit the equipment test fee to the institute. After that, the testing institute will inform you about the date of the machinery test or sample submission test.
It is one of the required farm implements used for preparing the soil bed for sowing or planting. Traditional ploughs are used to draft animals such as oxs, horse and modern ploughs are drawn by tractors.
Some of the basic tools for farming are:
Hand cultivator, rake, digging fork, hay knife, curry comb, dibber, ditching tools, drag hoe/pitchfork, sod cutter, and twine cutter.
Conclusion — So, this post was all about the farm tool questions and answers. Some important and basic farming tool names along with functions and applications for machinery tests are covered in this post. Hope you have got an idea, feel free to ask any questions about it.
Originally published at on December 26, 2023.