Farming In New Zealand Facts | Types Of Farming In New Zealand — Signup Trending Nature
In New Zealand, agriculture plays the largest role in trading economy. In New Zealand the agriculture forestry and fisheries sector contributed a large portion in their national GDP last year. Both sectors contributed$12.653 billion that is 5.1 % of the national GDP of the New Zealand country.
New Zealand is a member of the Cairns Group which is known for free trade in agriculture goods. New Zealand is well known for pastoral farming, sheep farming and cattle farming are preferred in pastoral farming however horticulture is also popular and common farming in the New Zealand. New Zealand farming industry is very much capable of producing jobs in agriculture sector this country has good reputation when it comes to export farming goods or other agriculture crops
Agriculture farming in New Zealand
New Zealand has a wide bag of agriculture in which they have various types of farming. Let’s check out the agriculture bag of New Zealand and find out the types of farming in nz
Pastoral Farming in New Zealand
While talking about pastoral farming in New Zealand we can clearly see the farming is beautifully divided in few major sections like beaf farming, cattle farming, sheep farming, dairy farming etc. In Northland region of New Zealand beaf cattle farming is preferred in pastoral farming. Whereas, dairy cattle farming is mostly done in Waikato, West Cost, Taranki, Bay of Plenti regions. Beaf cattle farming is also popular in hill regions of New Zealand whereas sheep farming is popular in rural New Zealand. Cantebury, Otago and Southland are well known for dairy farming.
Dairy Farming in New Zealand
Dairy farming is one of the most popular farming in New Zealand it has tremendous job creation ability. Dairy cattle farm industry is the tenth largest employment industry of the New Zealand. Somewhere 56–58 % dairy farms in New Zealand are owner operated, 14 % of dairy farms were operated by contract milkers (milk contract farming) and 29 % are operated by sharemilkers. Dairy farming in New Zealand is pasture based. 1 stJune to 31 stMay is known for dairy farming year activities. This period is quite important for dairy farmers some contract farmers shifts their contract in this period. 1 stday is known as “Moving Day” or “Gypsy Day”, in this particular day a large scale migration takes place in which contract milkers and sharemilers take up new contracts and move their herds and equipment between farms
In New Zealand dariy farms usually sell their milk to processors and paid per kilogram of milk solids (kgMS). New Zealand holds top position in exporting milk powder and butter and the country is 3 rdlargest exporter of skim milk powder and cheese. New Zealand consumes only 3 % dairy products and rest are exporter therefore New Zealand is such a big exporter of milk products.
Arable farming in New Zealand
Wheat, barley, oats and maize are produced by Arable sector and are mostly used in domestic consumption. Canterbury grows 80 to 90 % of wheat, 60 % oats, 68 % barley. New Zealand is capable of producing 1 million tonnes of grain. Thus Canterbury is responsible for producing the majority of wheat, oats, barely, Canterbury is located in South Island.
Horticulture in New Zealand
New Zealand has 3 lakh 9 thousand acres of horticulture land. Horticulture is known for fruit, vegetable plant nurseries and landscaping. The New Zealand horticulture industry has such fruit and vegetable growers who are capable of growing fruits and vegetables for domestic consumption as well as export. New Zealand has fertile soil that contains rich properties to grow healthy fruits and vegetables.
Fruit farming in New Zealand
Stone fruits like peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots and cherries are grown in Hawke’s Bay and Otago regions of New Zealand. Hawke’s Bays and Tasman district are well know for growing apple and pears.
Marlborough, Central Otago, Martinborough, Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay are well known for grapes production these grapes are also used to make wine around the country. Kiwi fruit is the most popular fruit in the New Zealand and it is grown widely in the New Zealand it is mostly grown in the Bay of Plenty apart from kiwi, apple and avocado are also grown in New Zealand but kiwi holds first position in export when it is exported by the New Zealand fruit export companies.
New Zealand farming FAQ
Some frequently asked questions are given below
New Zealand agricultural subsidies
In 1980 Subsidies, tax concessions and price support for the agriculture sector were removed in New Zealand. However, state investment in infrastructure is provided by the New Zealand government which supports agriculture.
What is New Zealand’s main source of income?
Agriculture, Forestry, Mining and Fishing are such industries that are reliable source of New Zealand.
Does New Zealand have fertile soil?
5 % soil is fertile in New Zealand apart from that New Zealand has a rich soil.
Name the most common fish in New Zealand?
Blue Cod, Snapper, Kingfish, Kahawi and Paua are commonly found in New Zealand
How to get a farming job in New Zealand
farming in New Zealand jobs — Some farming job websites are given below
Originally published at on July 16, 2021.