How Many Lemon Trees Per Acre To Plant — Signup Trending Nature
500 to 1000 trees can be planted in one acre but for better fruit growth 210 to 250 trees are recommended.
Quick notes — 210 to 250 trees per acre, 5-year-old trees produce 50 to 75 fruits every 3 months, the 7–9-year-old tree produces 350 fruits per tree, weekly watering, 24500 fruit yield per acre.
How many lemon trees per acre to plant
210 to 500 or even 1000 lemon trees can be planted on one acre. More importantly, tree plantation depends on spacing and good spacing allows healthy growth of the tree. Therefore 210 to 250 lemon trees are recommended to plant on one acre.
Lemon tree needs good water supply and water should be given on a weekly basis. By providing organic fertilizer good quality natural yield can be expected. Organic fertilizers are a bit slower to start functionality but there is always the problem from the root cause. Wisely thinking trees take a longer time to grow in comparison to vegetables and other crops. Therefore farmers should always use organic fertilizer while cultivating trees.
Read this — Lemon yield per acre per tree
Usually, the lemon tree starts bearing fruits in the 5th year of the planting period. One tree produces an average of 50–75 fruits every 3 months and after 7 years it produces around 300–350 fruits every 4 months. The lifespan of a tree is 15 to 20 years and from the 7th year to the next 7 years, a single tree can produce lots of fruits. People doing the lemon juice business can store the juice for 6–8 days at 10°-11°C.
Let’s understand the profit. As I mentioned a 5-year-old tree produces an average of 50–75 fruits and the 7-year-old tree can produce 110 to 150 fruits in 3 months. If 350 trees are planted then 350 trees x 700 fruits = 245000 fruits. Lemon price in India is around Rs 110–190 per kg and one lemon sells for around Rs 3. While selling lemons @ Rs 3 then 245000 fruits x Rs 3 = Rs 7,35,000. After reducing cost from this profit you can get the net profit.
To start lemon cultivation one should know the related information which is given below.
Lemon cultivation practices
Temperature — 25°-30°C.
Temperature tolerance capacity — Not more than 40°C.
Minimum temperature — Below 10°C it will collapse.
Water requirements — Weekly basis.
Summer — 6 inches monthly.
Winters — 3 inches monthly.
Read it — lemon farming profit per acre
Light Loam and well-drained are suitable and don’t use soggy soil it may cause root rot.
pH level — 6–6.5 is the best ph level for lemons.
Normal rainfall regions — 4.5 x 4.5 meters.
Heavy rainfall regions — 5 x 5 meters.
Plantation per acre
210 to 250 or 300 plants in 1 acre are good for healthy fruit development.
Cow dung and urea are used as a fertilizer in lemon cultivation. First-year to 3rd year don’t provide any urea to the plants, provide rotted cow dung.
The best fertilizer for lemon trees
Fish eggs, fish tank water and fish residue.
Regular tuning is required for healthy food growth. Remove all the unwanted branches and rotted fruits so that the main branches to can get a sufficient amount of nutrients. If you will not remove the unwanted branches then these branches will also grab the nutrients which other healthy branches can use for developing healthy fruit.
Trump borer, leaf miner, citrus black fly, citrus greening and white fly etc.
The first commercial-level harvesting is executed in the 5th year. However, some varieties may take a longer time up to 6th year. In the USA lemon harvesting is done 3 to 4 times in a year.
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Originally published at on May 29, 2023.