Kandali Plant — Signup Trending Nature

6 min readDec 23, 2020


I am born in a Garhwali family where kandali plant is used to punish naughty kids, and I hardly know anything else apart from this, but we all know curiosity is the beginning of all wisdom, so I searched online about this plant, and it changed my opinion of what I considered in my childhood days.

Stinging nettle belongs to the Urticaceae family and is a native plant of the European region. Kandali is also known as Urtica dioica in English, bichu booti in Hindi, Kumaon, and Garhwal.

kandali plant in English is known as Urtica dioica.

Kandali plant in Hindi is known as bichu grass.

Most Asian people are using stinging nettle root for the treatment of urine related problems such as frequent urination, inability to urinate, nighttime urination, irritable bladder, and painful urination.

In this article, I will share with you how to grow stinging nettle/kandali.

kandali/stinging nettle closeup

Stinging nettle has a long and diverse history for food medicine cordage, dye, and textile- clothes. I will share some ideas for making use of the free food and fertilizer that this weed to offer.

History in brief

Nettle fibres were used for the production of textiles in central Europe. Nettle production in Europe began in 19th century (bredmann,1959) and during the first and second world war, fibre nettle was promoted as a substitute for cotton. You can find stinging nettle worldwide America, Europe, India, etc

Kandali Pant Farming / Stinging Nettle Farming

Where do nettles grow?

Stinging nettle loves soil with good moisture. In North America, it grows alongside streams, rivers and creeks. It likes fertile soil full of the organic full sun or partial shade suits nettle very much.

In India, we can find stinging nettle in Uttarakhand in a very huge quantity. It is known as kandali /bichu ghaas in Garhwal and Kumaon.

In Uttrakhand it was hardly used for benefit earlier it was used for only forage crops for animals because of lack of knowledge.

If you are living in Uttrakhand you must have seen this important weed. Now lots of people have started to take advantage of this free weed.

What temperature is required for kandali Plant?

  • for germination of stinging nettle, high altitude area’s are the best (cold weather, hill areas)
  • It grows alongside streams, rivers, creeks. Therefore you can find it in hilly areas like Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, etc you might not hear about this if you are living somewhere around Bangalore.

When to sow the plant of kandali ?

You may ask what is the correct time to sow stinging nettle?

Which type of soil is required for the cultivation of

the kandali grass?

kandali plant

kandali plant harvesting

How to grow kandali/stinging nettle

You can grow nettle from seeds. You can purchase seeds or gather seeds. Good side of this weed is you don’t have to give much time to it and also it does not require much care because it is a weed so it grows automatically you just need to germinate the seeds.

How to harvest kandali / stinging nettle weed

Click here to watch video — cutting nettle in spring with scissors

Click here for hemp oil production business details

Its an easy task, nettle harvesting starts in spring and its best to harvest when leaves are young.

  • Best harvest time from May to June.
  • Harvest when it is a foot tall.
  • Wear long sleeves and gloves while harvesting because it can harm you.

How to preserve and store nettle / kandali

  • Dry nettle until they become crispy.
  • You can dry stems and leaves together or you can separate them.
  • Store your kandali in a store or cool area
  • After drying you can pack them in a bag and sell in the market.

Kandali health benefits

  • It is good for bones, joints, and skin
  • Rich in iron, vitamins, protein, fibre and minerals
  • Extremely beneficial in arthritis, gout, anemia, urinary problems.

Free and Exclusive advice

Top ten (10) benefits of kandali or stinging nettle.

Uses of kandali/nettle/buichu grass or Urticadioica in different industries

Green te a

I would love to share an incident with you a few years ago one of my cousins was in a European country and he told me about a famous green tea which he uses to drink regularly and he was fond of it. In 2019 he came to my house and we planned to go and spend some time to our village which is situated in the high hill area of Uttarakhand When he was explaining about nettle green tea it just strikes my mind and after one hour I searched in google about stinging nettle from where we came to know that it is the same herb which is known as kandali and bichu grass in Uttrakhand.

Green tea recipe

For making green tea from kandali you just need few leaves of kandali put them in warm water and add another ingredient’s like you can add basil/tulsi leaves into it and add few drops of lemon with a bit of honey. If you don’t get bichu grass leaves directly then you can purchase them from the market also you can buy them online from Amazon and other websites.

Exclusive opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur

In this section, I would love to tell you about kandali or nettle business. It is a great business opportunity to grab in this time of era when the whole world is getting and creating interest in herbs

You must have heard “create an opportunity to become successful” and in this business, you have an opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur reason behind this is one of the lowest investment business which you can start and scale easily plus point of this business is you don’t have to invest your money and time for caring of this product as we have to invest money and manage our time while investing in other products like apple, mango, mushrooms, etc

How to start stinging nettle business

  1. It is a weed which is mostly found in hill areas especially in Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu
  2. If you are from the hill area (Uttarakhand) then you might have farming lands over there.
  3. If not then you can take lots of farming land on rent at a very low price.
  4. The key about this farming is that kandali/nettle farming does not need much care according to other products farming.
  5. Your time and maintenance cost will be saved.
  6. Start kandali farming or stinging nettle farming.
  7. I have already explained the key points of farming.

Organizations for the help of farming business

Chief minister self employment scheme -

Herb research institute

  • For encouraging natural herb farming they provide help in village farming.
  • Provides seeds at very low price.
  • Provides buyers to purchase your products.
  • Situated at mandal (chamoli)

What to produce from kandali/nettle business

  1. From kandali farming, you can make your business grow in the tea industry which is a big industry itself.
  2. A packet of tea (chaypatti) — 200 rs per/kg, a big asset
  3. Green tea — today it is a much-needed beverage in our lifestyle. So the demand is very high.
  4. The textile industry is one of the biggest and ancient industry.
  5. Through kandali farming, one can produce lots of fibre.
  6. Fibres are useful in making sweaters and other clothes.

Cosmetics -helpful in making anti-aging creams and hair loss treatment products etc

Medicine Wide range of pharmaceutical application and health benefits

Uttarakhand is also known for its unique and colorful type of festivals. Uttrakhand celebrates the festival of kandali or we can say it is the most unique festival of Uttarakhand. The plant of Kandali bears flowers once in twelve years just like kumbh Mela comes after 12 years. You along with your family can join the celebration of the kandali festival too. I can recommend Club Mahindra resorts to stay in Uttarakhand and become a part of many more cultural activities. These resorts offer comfortable rooms along with modern amenities.

The Festival of Kandali marks the blooming of purple flowers of the Kandali Plant. The flowers bloom between the months of August and October. The Rung tribe of Pithoragarh District celebrates the vibrant festival of Kandali with much enthusiasm.

For more information (pharmacological uses) of this plant click on the links given below

Originally published at https://signuptrendingnature.com on December 23, 2020.




Written by Aspbeginner

I love nature and I have started a blog for nature- signuptrendingnature.com

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