Lemon Farming Profit Per Acre | How To Start Lemon Farming — Signup Trending Nature

6 min readAug 3, 2021


Today, we will help you to understand the concept of lemon farming profit. Lemon farming profit per acre and the complete lemon farming project report is given in the third section of the post. After reading this lemon farming guide you will be aware of how to start lemon farming in India or in your region and you can catch lemon health benefits in the lower portion of the post. While reading carefully you will find the post is touching all the important aspects that are necessary for lemon farming like do lemon trees need water! By the end of this post you will find some frequently asked questions that will help you to find out the answer to questions like how many days lemon can be stored?

Let’s dive in deeper

Lemon farming introduction

While talking about fruit crops, lemon is one of the most important fruits in the world. However, bananas and mangoes are in the top 5 but we can’t neglect the presence of lemon. It holds the 6th position in lemon production in world. Lifespan of lemon tree is nearly 15 to 20 years. Generally, the lemon tree starts producing the fruit from the fifth year. Lemon has lots of medicinal and nutritional properties and it also adds value to our food and Juice by the tremendous flavour. However, lemon can grow easily in any soil but it prefers the soil pH range with 5.5 to 7.0. The temperature required for lemon tree is 25° C to 30° C. This is the most preferable climate required for lemon trees.

The origin of lemons is unknown. It is said that lemons are first grown in the North East Asia region primarily in Assam(Northeast India), Burma. The first sustainable cultivation of lemons in Europe started in the Genoa region This occurred in the middle of 18th century. In 1493 lemon was first introduced to America by Christopher Columbus when he brought seeds of lemon to Hispaniola during his voyage. Florida and California have increased the plantation of lemon tree in the 19 century and are still doing lemon tree cultivation on their way.

Lemon tree information

Lemon tree is a small and evergreen tree native to South Asia, Northeast India, Assam. Lemon belongs to the flowering plant family Rutaceae. Citrus lemon is the binomial name of lemon . Usually, lemon turns green to yellow when it ripe. Yellow fruit is used for culinary and non culinary purposes in the entire world. The fruit is primarily used for its use that has both culinary and cleaning usage. Lemon juice contains 2.26 % citric acid along with pH around 2.2 That enables the sour taste in lemon. Lemon pulp and rind (outer protective layer of fruit) are also used in cooking and baking. Due to distinctive and high-quality sour taste, lemon is also applied in food and beverages such as lemon meringue pie and lemonade.

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Land preparation cost — Rs 6000

Plant material cost — Rs 10,000

FYM cost — Rs 7200

Irrigation cost — Rs 2000

Plant protection charges — Rs 3000

Multiply 31200 x 4 = 124800

124800+8000 = Rs 132800

Rs 132800–16000 = Rs 116800

Profit = Rs 319200

Net profit = Rs 171200

How to start lemon farming

Before starting lemon farming one should collect all the information related to lemon cultivation such as lemon soil ph, climate required for lemon tree, lemon tree water needs, lemon fertilizer schedule etc. All this information related to growing lemon trees is given below in detail.

  • Malta lemon
  • Eureka lemon
  • Italian lemon
  • Assam lemon
  • Pant lemon
  • Lucknow seedless
  • Lisbon lemon
  • Rasraj
  • Punjab baramasi
  • Punjab galgaj
  • PAU Baramasi
  • PAU Baramasi — 1

Lemon tree temperature requirements

  1. Lemon tree ideal temperature is 25° C to 30° C
  2. Lemon tree temperature tolerance is not more than 40° C. It will stop growing above 40° C.
  3. Lemon tree minimum temperature — below 10° C lemon tree will go into dormancy.

Lemon tree water requirements

  • Lemon tree watering schedule — Lemon tree watering should be done on the weekly basis or 10 days (don’t go above 10 days). Watering is necessary in lemon tree cultivation. Lemon tree requires consistent water in order to grow and bloom
  • Lemon tree watering summer — 4 to 6 inches (10–15 cm) water is required per month.
  • Lemon tree watering winter — 1 inch water is weekly required for young trees (nov-feb). Provide 1 to 2 inches of water on a weekly basis for more mature trees.

Lemon tree irrigation

Note — Lemon trees don’t like soggy soil; it can cause root rot.

Best soil pH for lemon trees

However, soil ph level for lemon trees between 5.5 to 7 is optimum ph level for lemons. While going more specific, the soil pH range between 6.0 to 6.5 is the best ph level for lemon tree.

Ploughing should be done twice to level the land properly while ploughing you should remove tiny stones along with weed. June to August is the best time to plant lemon seeds. 60 x 60 x 60 cm pit size needs to be dug for the plant seedlings and you should add 10 kg of FYM and 500 gram of single superphosphate to the pits. Remember FYM needs to be added before planting the seeds.

Seeds can be sowed with various spacings 4.5 x 4.5 m in normal spacing and in heavy rainfall areas you can increase spacing i.e 5 x 5 meter.

lemon plants per acre

210 to 250 plants per acre are good enough. For best lemon yield one should maintain the plant density.

Fertilizer required for lemon tree

Fertilizer required for citrus is mentioned according to the age of the tree in a below table

Note — Do not fertilize the tree as long as leaves remain bright medium-green

It is recommended to apply urea in two parts, first one in February and second part in April or May month. If excess fruit drop occurs then spray 2, 4-D @ 10 gram in 500 ltr water apply this in March end and other one in Apple end.

what is best fertilizer for lemon tree

Farmers who tried aquaponic fertilizer such as fish eggs, fish water and fish residue are producing good lemon yield from long time.

One should perform lemon pruning time to time. You should not wait for the lemon pruning season; instead when shoots are observed 45 to 50 cm from the ground level you should remove them without any hesitation. Remove all the dried leaves, infected parts, and dead yellow leaves of the tree periodically. Proper pruning of lemon tree is necessary for the growth of strong lemon stems and branches so that it can produce high yield lemon variety.

  • Leaf miner
  • Citrus black fly
  • White fly
  • Citrus psylla
  • Citrus thrips
  • Anthracnose
  • Citrus canker
  • Aphids and mealybugs
  • Citrus greening
  • Phytophthora gummosis
  • Bark eating caterpillar
  • Trunk borer

Lemon produces fruits 3 to 4 times in a year however, lemon takes 150 to 160 days to reach the maturity level and starts bearing fruits in the fifth year. Lemon harvesting in India occurs three to four times in a year.

Yield from 1 acre lemon cultivation

Lemon trees start bearing fruits from the fifth year with 60 to 75 fruits per tree. Whereas in the seventh year it can produce 1000 to 1500 lemon yield per tree.

Do lemon trees need a lot of water?

Lemon trees need frequent water supply however, it does not demand for water on a daily basis but it needs regular water in the intervals of 7 to 10 days.

How long does lemon tree live?

Life of a lemon tree is around 15 to 20 years

How long lemon tree take to grow

Lemon trees take more than 3 years to mature and start bearing fruits from the 5th year.

How long lemon tree produce fruit?

Generally lemon tree starts bearing fruits from the 5th year (60–75 per tree) however, it starts bearing more fruits from 7th year (1000–1500 per tree)

What temperature do lemon trees like?

Temperature required for lemon tree is 25 degree to 30 degree Celsius.

How many Lemon plants per acre?

One can easily plant between 210 to 250 lemon plants in one acre.

How many lemons does a lemon tree produce per year?

While talking about lemon tree production per year we would say between 5 to 15 years one tree produces 84 kg to 250 kg lemons and after 8–10 years 1 lemon tree produces 1000 to 1500 lemons.

How many days lemon can be stored?

Lemon juice can be stored for 6 to 8 days and 10 to 11 degree celsius. Waxing treatment might extend the shelf life of lemons. Don’t store lemon below 7 degree celsius; they might start pitting. Lemon can easily transported to other places, lemon are capable of remaining fresh under variant temperatures

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Originally published at https://signuptrendingnature.com on August 3, 2021.




Written by Aspbeginner

I love nature and I have started a blog for nature- signuptrendingnature.com

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