Mahogany Tree Illegal Or Legal | Sandalwood Legal Permission — Signup Trending Nature
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Today, we will drag your attention towards two important trees: legal and illegal issues and both these trees are the most expensive trees in comparison to others. We are talking about mahogany trees and Sandalwood trees. Both are valuable and have their own qualities that make them most expensive. To read more on the mahogany tree farming project report just click the link. To get detailed information on sandalwood cultivation along with the sandalwood project report click the link. You will be diverted to the particular post of mahogany farming and sandalwood farming where you can collect the detailed comprehensive information.
Mahogany tree illegal in India?
As of now we did not find any article in which it is mentioned whether mahogany tree is legal in India or illegal! Although Peru was banned for illegal peruvian mahogany supply to the USA. We recommend before starting mahogany tree cultivation in your region you should approach your district agriculture office and forest department for further guidelines (mahogany plantation and harvesting permission) of this tonewood cultivation. Some big companies are doing mahogany tree contract farming in India. Mahogany tree cultivation is majorly done in Karnataka, Mysore, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and other states of India.
Mahogany tree legal
Mahogany tree can be grown only in usda zones 10 and 11 therefore it is grown in South Florida of the United States.
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What is CITES why it has been established?
Full form of cites in environment is Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. CITES is a multilateral treaty that is formed to protect endangered plants and animals. Endangered means such a subject or species that is in danger and might collapse in a few years. It was drafted in 1963 by (IUCN) International Union of Conservation of Nature. The convention was opened for signature in 1973 and CITES came into force on 1st July 1975. One of the reasons to establish CITES is to stop the illegal logging of endangered species.
Why mahogany is illegal
Mahogany is an important lumber well known for its beauty, colour and durability and mostly used for making high quality furniture, boats and musical instruments. These all important factors results in high price of mahogany tree in Philippines, Australia, India or globally. Peru is the largest exporter of mahogany wood because Brazil has banned mahogany export in 2001.
It was inferred that 80 to 90% of Peruvian mahogany was harvested illegally (violations of CITES) and then exported to the United States. It was conjectured that In 2000 some 57000 mahogany trees were harvested to supply the US furniture trade only.
Why is mahogany wood so expensive?
Color, durability and beauty of mahogany makes it a precious wood. Moreover, it is used in making some expensive and important objects such as boats, musical instruments, furniture, writing instruments, gun butt, mahogany flooring, doors, it is also used in mills etc. One more special quality of mahogany wood is its rot resistance and has water resistance capacity. All these features of mahogany tree makes this timber precious and valuable. Apart from this it is not cultivated on a large scale and already in high demand, lack of the mahogany lumber makes it more expensive.
Mahogany tree farming FAQ
Some of the frequently asked questions about mahogany farming are given below please have a look.
How many species of mahogany are there?
There are three species of mahogany
- Swietenia macrophylla (honduran mahogany)
- Westindian or cuban mahogany
- Swietenia humilis
Whereas meliaceae species are classified as true mahogany.
Is mahogany hardwood or softwood?
Mahogany is a hardwood timber which is lightweight but difficult to cut or break. Some of the examples of hardwood trees and softwood trees are given below
Hardwood trees Softwood trees
What is the price of mahogany tree in India?
Mahogany tree price in India depends on the cubic feet and variety of the timber.
10 year old African mahogany tree price in India is Rs 15,000 to 20,000
What will be mahogany tree price after 10 years?
Mahogany tree selling price after 10 years might be between Rs 15000 to 20,000 depending on cubic feet of the tree.
What will be the estimated mahogany tree selling price after 15 years?
Mahogany tree price after 15 years may be between Rs 20000–35000 (depending on cubic feet)
How long does it take to grow mahogany tree?
Indian mahogany needs around 25 years to grow mature. Whereas African mahogany needs only 10 to 15 years to grow mature. Australian mahogany is also a fast grower.
Mahogany is the national tree of which country?
Mahogany is a national tree of the Dominican Republic and Belize.
Is there a subsidy on mahogany tree?
However, there is no specific subsidy on mahogany tree, still you can apply for mahogany tree subsidy.
Sandalwood tree plantation is legal in India
Is sandalwood tree legal in India
Before starting Chandan cultivation a few questions strikes and farmers are always confused while thinking is it legal to grow sandalwood in India! Due to lack of knowledge farmers often ask why is it illegal to grow sandalwood tree? We would like to share that growing sandalwood is not illegal but at the same time it is not permitted in all the states. However, the government is planning to permit the cultivation of chandan in other states as well and you need to wait for your turn as already some of the states are standing in a queue.
One thing is very clear that before starting sandalwood farming, farmers must check the legality of cultivating sandalwood trees in the concerned state. Hence, it is advised to contact the following before starting the cultivation.
- Forest department
- Horticulture department
- Agriculture departments
One must approach these departments for growing sandalwood in their region and they are bound to guide you about sandalwood farming under the government guidelines.
Why is it illegal to grow sandalwood tree
Once you have taken permission to grow sandalwood in your state it doesn’t mean your job is finished. As per the government guidelines they can enquire any time about your sandalwood farm and before harvesting you must inform the forest department of your region otherwise it may count in illegal sandalwood harvesting or sandalwood illegal logging. If you will perform sandalwood cultivation under the government guidelines then sandalwood tree plantation is legal otherwise you may face some problems.
Where is sandalwood grown in India?
Growing sandalwood trees in all the states is not permitted by the Indian government. However, there are some government permitted states where sandalwood cultivation is done and some more states are standing in the permission lobby of the Indian government.
Some of the sandalwood growing states in India are given below
Mysore city of Karnataka is known as sandalwood city.
Sandalwood growing states in India
Is sandalwood banned in India
No Sandalwood is not banned in India although the plantation of sandalwood is undertaken by the Indian government due to the growth in sandalwood smuggling activities. One can do sandalwood cultivation but only in those States where sandalwood cultivation permission is being granted by the government. Moreover, the farmer has to follow the government guidelines made for the farming of sandalwood.
How to start Sandalwood farming
To start sandalwood farming you have to collect basic information such as temperature, water required, soil, fertilizer, where to sell Sandalwood, host required for sandalwood tree etc some of the details are given below one paragraph.
Cultivation of sandal tree can change the destination of any farmer or person. It has been proven in the past and in the present some farmers in Karnataka and Maharashtra are making good money in sandalwood farming. If you need full information about sandalwood farming profit per acre then click the link and you will be diverted to another post where a comprehensive information about this plant is given in extreme detail with some important FAQs along with a sandalwood project report.
Climate required for sandalwood
Sandalwood can be grown throughout the year but avoid going out in winters. A sandalwood plant is one of the plants that have climate change tolerance capacity except deep freezing climates.
Temperature required for sandalwood cultivation
5° C to 47° C
pH level for Sandalwood cultivation
- 4.5 to 6.5 is the most suitable ph range for sandalwood plantation.
- For white Sandalwood plant cultivation pH level more than 7 is required.
How to sell sandalwood tree
It is not authorized to sell sandalwood directly to any private organization, individual or company. It is illegal to sell sandalwood to anyone without the permission of the government therefore it is recommended to inform the forest department and sell it under government guidelines.
What you have to do during the sandalwood harvesting period is to inform the forest department and the forest department will permit you as per the sandalwood government guidelines.
Sandalwood tree local name
- Chandan (Hindi)
- Candana (Bengali
- Candana (Marathi)
- Gandhapu Chekka (Telugu)
- Cantana (Tamil)
- Raktacandanam (Malyalam)
- Canana (Punjabi)
- Candana (Gujarati)
To read the comprehensive information on mahogany tree farming profit and cultivation click the link. And to read the detailed information on sandalwood farming profit click the link. By clicking the given links you will be diverted to the specific page of these posts where you can find all the cultivation and profit information about these trees.
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Originally published at on August 28, 2021.