Palm Tree Trimming Cost Farming Profit Per Hectare — Signup Trending Nature — STN
Palm tree trimming cost is around $125 to $800. The cost depends on tree size, location, surroundings, number of trees, accessibility and trimming urgency.
Palm trees are beautiful and valuable but become unhealthy when they are not trimmed regularly. Cut down palm tree cost also depends on its types such as areca palm, date palm and bottle palm etc. If the tree is planted near an electricity pole, house, office or crowded area the trimming cost will be higher. The tree near electricity needed more precautions to trim or cut down and charges more. Palm tree trimming cost calculator is used to get the local cost. Palm tree farming is a profitable cultivation and by investing $2360 you can earn around $2556 to $3000 after 3 years.
Palm tree trimming cost
Tree value calculator gives the estimated value of the tree. Similarly palm tree trimming cost calculator gives you an idea about the average cost. Palm tree pruning cost depends on various factors such as tree size, tree health, location, accessibility, surroundings, urgency, after trimming cleanup, number of trees and labour cost etc.
Types of palm tree
Palm tree species with more fronds are difficult to trim; they are also taller, hence cost would be more.
Phoenix palm — Wide and tall variety.
Canary island date palm — Wide and tall.
Queen palm — Tall with abundant fronds.
Mexican fan — Sharp spiky fronds.
Average palm tree height is 32 to 50 ft. Trimming needs often start when they reach 8 to 10 feet tall. Height is a major factor for the cost to trim palm tree, the calculation is based on its height. For small trees you have to pay less and for taller trees the charges are higher.
Labour cost — Palm tree expert services charge $185 to $1100 per tree depending on the size, condition etc. They charge $150 to $300 per hour. Difficult accessibility and difficult plant surroundings may increase the labour charges.
Location — Trimming cost of a palm tree in Florida is different from Georgia and Arizona the cost according to Geography is given in the below table.
People who are doing palm tree cultivation have more trees and they get advantage of lower trimming cost. You can use tree spacing calculator to identify the number of trees per acre. The cost will be always higher for one tree and lower for more trees. For 1 tree the trimming cost starts from $80 whereas for multiple trees the cost may reduce up to $60 to $70 depending on how many palm trees per acre are planted.
Experts charge more cost for unhealthy, diseased, crack, weak root and weak trees as more care is required while trimming. Moreover, you may need to hire pest control services that charge $350 to $500.
If the tree is in very bad condition and spreading the disease to other trees or areas then you need a specialist tree remover and your tree removal cost may be around $300 to $2000.
If a tree is planted nearby the electricity pole and branches are disturbing the wire then it should be removed urgently to reduce the risk. Heavy storms may shake the tree towards an office, crowded area or your house then urgent tree removal service or trim service is required. The average cost may be $150 to $250 per hour also depending on location.
This cost includes cleaning tree branches, leaves, seeds and whole surroundings. Most palm tree removal companies include post construction cleaning costs in their services. However, there are some companies who do not include these chargers in their regular services and may charge extra money for this. You may expect to pay around $25 to $95 for post cleaning.
Plant smaller trees in your reach to make the trimming easier that you can do by yourself as well.
If the tree branches are climbing the electric wires then before approaching the tree specialist call the electricity department they may trim the branches free of cost which saves a big emergency tree trimming cost.
To find the best deal try to get 3 quotations from the local palm tree trimming companies.
Palm tree trimming in the off season allows you getting special discounts.
Care is necessary to prevent your tree from disease and do the regular maintenance to avoid high pruning costs.
Before the professional tree trimmer arrives you should clean the yard.
Taking care of clean up and disposal by own cuts down the palm tree trimming cost.
Palm oil profit per hectare
Palm oil farming is a profitable cultivation. The tree starts yielding after 3 years and by investing Rs 198,000 ($2360) an average profit of Rs 2,14,500 ($2556) is expected after 3 years.
After adding sapling cost, land preparation cost, Labour, fertilizer, pesticide, irrigation, weed removal, plant protection charges and miscellaneous cost the total cost may be around Rs 198,000.
- Best varieties — Tenera, Termed dura, Pisifera.
- Climate — Needs 5 to 6 hours light per day and 80% humidity.
- Temperature — 22 degree to 24 degree celsius.
- Water requirement — 2500 mm to 4000 mm per year.
- Ideal soil — Alluvial, organic, deep loamy moist soil with good drainage and rich properties.
- Propagation method — Seeds and seedlings.
- Trees per acre — 60 to 80 trees in triangular planting method.
- Palm oil trees per hectare — 145 to 147.
- Planting season — June to December.
- Harvesting time period — After 3 years from the planting period.
- Profit per hectare — Rs 2,14,500 ($2556).
Conclusion — Now you are aware about palm tree trimming cost and its factors. The cost in Florida is $125 to $1180, which is higher than other regions. Tree heights, health, surroundings accessibility and emergency are some cost deciding factors. Around $2556 to $3000 can be achieved from 1 hectare after 3 years in palm oil farming.
Originally published at on September 2, 2024.