Polyhouse Farming Cost Per Acre | Polyhouse Subsidy In India — Signup Trending Nature

4 min readJun 8, 2021


Poly house contains ozone layer protected polythene sheets that are specialized in climate control and these polythene were used as covering material under which season or offseason crops can be grown in partially or fully controlled climate conditions. Poly house prefers drip irrigation and one can maintain tissue culture lab if needed it also provides facilities of cold storage.

How to apply for polyhouse subsidy

  • Few people often says polyhouse demands big investment but returns only loss, it is true that the investment is quite big for small farmers but you will experience loss due to the lack of knowledge so first you should gain knowledge and calculate pros and cons of polyhouse.
  • However, it demands for good investment but at the same time you can take advantage of government subsidy scheme that allows you to pay only 50 % of the total amount apart from this one more benefit is it also provides the facility of growing offseason crops that again gives you good benefit over market.
  • I recommend you to join polyhouse training course and attend polyhouse training
  • Before investing in polyhouse farming infect one should collect good information before starting any type of business or investment.
  • However polyhouse training trend is more popular in south region therefore you can easily find polyhouse training in hydrabad, polyhouse training in pune in comparison of finding polyhouse training in Uttarakhand or north India .
  • Institute for industrial development — It is a type of training centre that also provides polyhouse training at the price of Rs 10,000 approximately
  • Polyhouse training in delhi — Delhi centre, disciplinery training centre, gandhi darshan rajghat, new delhi 110002
  • Polyhouse farming training in uttar pradesh — if you are living in UP, luknow then here is the address for polyhouse training in luknow — samdhan tower 27/1/B Ghokhale marg luknow 226001
  • Polyhouse training institute helpline number — 7408733333, 7607655555

Polyhouse training centre

How to apply for polyhouse loan

Types of polyhouse structure

One more benefit of doing training of polyhouse is if you are not capable of paying amount together to the government then you can easily apply for loan through this polyhouse training certificate

Natural ventilated polyhouse — The polyhouse does not demand for extra charges till 4 years but after 4 years you should change the entire polythene of the polyhouse because the anti property of the polyethene dies after 3.5 to 4 years. The role of this anti property is to prevent the ultraviolet rays of sun to enter inside the polyhouse. Please note that whether the polythene sheet is damaged or not you should change it after 3 to 4 years because it loses its anti property and after losing antiproperty there is hardly any difference between open field and the this polyhouse.

So make sure to replace the polythene sheet after 3 to 4 years accordingly, the cost of changing the entire polythene sheet of one acre polyhouse is around 6 lakh Indian Rupees.

Poly house cost per acre

Natural ventilated polyhouse cost in 1 acre is around 32 lakh and after 50 % subsidy by the central government it reduces to 16 lakh. After adding around Rs 1 lakh for some miscellaneous charges it becomes Rs 17 lakh yes this is the figure that you have to pay for 1 acre natural ventilated polyhouse . Hence we can say the cost of 1 acre natural ventilated polyhouse is Rs 17 lakh

Fan pad poly house — fan pad poly house is more costly then natural polyhouse. Fan pad poly house cost per acre is around Rs 55 lakh. It is not compulsory to form a polyhouse in exact one acre land it depends on your need and the only difference is the price will decrease if you will increase the size of the polyhouse.

Farmer can grow vegetables and flowers in the polyhouse however, flowers can give you greater returns in comparison of vegetables but you should keep changing the flower species don’t repeat the same flower consecutively. You need to study before selecting any crop in the polyhouse don’t select those crops that grows well in open space however they can be grown in polyhouse as well but you should utilize the full advantage of the polyhouse hence you can choose some offseason crops and maintain the climate for these off season crops so that they can give you good benefit.

Before growing the crop you need to survey the market and select the most demandable crops in the market so that you can take good advantage. You should meet the agriculture experts and follow their advice to improve your agriculture benefits.

However, you can grow vegetables like broccoli, capsicum, tomato, cucumber, brinjal, cabbage, peppers, lettuce, spinach, herbs, corn, sweet corn and flowers like rose, fruits like litchi etc.

In two hot months when the temperature goes over 40° C you should try some trick to low down the temperature of the polyhouse

Polyhouse subsidy matters

Subsidy should be 90 to 95 % for small farmers and 85–90 % for rest farmers this will encourage farmers to start polyhouse farming on large scale which will automatically increase the crop production and once crop production increases government can export the crop on large scale that will automatically cover the subsidy amount as well. This is the correct way to appreciate the farmer’s

Originally published at https://signuptrendingnature.com on June 8, 2021.




Written by Aspbeginner

I love nature and I have started a blog for nature- signuptrendingnature.com

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