Poplar Tree Growth Time 4 Years Height 65 Ft 30 To 36 Inches Stem — Signup Trending Nature

4 min readDec 12, 2023


Poplar tree growth time, height, dimension, digging, plants per acre and other practices are mentioned today.

Quick Overview — 110 hybrid variety poplar tree growth time 4 to 4.5 years, average height 65 ft and can grow up to 85 ft. Dimension 36 inches after 4.5 years.

Poplar tree growth time 4 years height 65 ft 30 to 36 inches stem

110 species of poplar tree growth time is only 3.5 to 4 years after planting. 110 is a hybrid variety that grows up to 65 to 85 feet tall with 36 to 38 inches diameter in 3.5 to 4 years. Whereas other species like G48 and 81 may take longer time up to 5 to 7 years to reach 36 inches in diameter and 85 feet in height.

A 1-year-old 110 species plant is planted on the farm. After planting a 1-year-old plant it takes more than 3.5 to 4 years to grow up to 65, 75 or 85 feet tall. It means 110 varieties take a total of 4.5 years to 5 years to reach a dimension of 36 inches. Selecting a 10-month or 1-year-old plant is considerable for good growth.

The tree growth depends on the distance, care, water and fertilizer. It is necessary to plant healthy plant cuttings of around 6 to 16 feet tall. In plant nurseries you can find different-sized plants, they may be 6 feet tall, 7 feet, 8 feet, 9 feet, 10 feet, 11 feet, 12 feet, 13 feet, 14 feet, 15 feet and 16 feet as well.

Some important tips regarding plant selection are given below.

Poplar plant selection from nursery

  • In a good nursery, you can easily find 6 feet to 16 feet-tall plants.
  • The first step is to visit a reliable nursery in your city.
  • If you are purchasing plants online then must purchase them from a reliable source.
  • It’s difficult to differentiate between varieties and buying them from reliable sources will reduce the ditching chances.
  • It’s a myth that selecting thicker and taller plants is good for quick and comfortable growth.
  • Instead of that select plants with medium dimensions.
  • Don’t pick the plant on its height first check the stem dimension, height doesn’t matter.
  • Don’t select thick or very thick stem plants; it’s difficult to grow them, especially for new farmers.

Major poplar production states in India

Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Western Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and West Bengal.

Poplar farming practices

Commercial varieties

Udai, W-22, G-48, A-26, S-7, W-39, W-32, W-101, W-109, W-81, S-7, C-15, 110, 111, 112.


Poplar trees thrive best in temperatures between 5°C to 45°C. First conditions are not favourable for this tree. Enough moisture content and direct sunlight is required for these trees.


It can be grown in clay loamy soil, sandy loamy soil but rich loamy soil is best for the tree. Soil pH should be between 6 to 8.5.


Water is needed every 15 days or two times a month. For sandy soil water is required every 10 days, 3 times in a month. Make sure the roots get wet completely during the irrigation.

Propagation method

It can be grown from both softwood and hardwood cuttings.

Planting season

The 15th of December to February last week is the best time for planting poplar trees. However, planting can be extended up to March 1st week.

Land preparation

A couple of ploughing and harrowing is required to maintain and level the land. Land should be weed-free and rows need to be made for good irrigation and drainage.

Digging as per plant height

6 ft plant — 1.15 foot dig, 8 foot plant — 2 to 2.15 foot, 9 foot plant — 2 to 2.5 foot, 10 foot plant — 2 to 2.5 foot, 12 foot plant — 3 foot, 15 foot plant — 3 foot and 16 foot plant — 3 foot.


High density — 5m x 5m = 455 plants.

Low density — 10m x 10m = 225 plants.

Good spacing — 15m x 15m = 180 plants.

Good spacing is required for better growth of any tree so always maintain 15m x 15m or at least 10m x 10m distance between plants.


1st year — June, July, Aug — 8 kg FYM/plant — 50 gram Urea+SSP/plant.

2nd year — June, July, Aug — 10 kg FYM/plant — 80 gram Urea+SSP/plant.

3rd year — June, July, Aug — 15 kg FYM/plant — 150 gram Urea+SSP/plant.

Poplar tree multi cropping

Makchera crop is used as animal fodder is preferred during multi cropping with poplar trees. This crop easily grows within a month and can be harvested in 2 to 3 months. After that wheat is grown in the poplar tree farm. Sugarcanes are best multi crops with poplar trees. Sugarcane also provides the land with some healthy nutrients to poplar trees as well. Vegetables like ginger, garlic, bitter gourd, cucumber plant are suitable with the tree.

Read more Poplar tree farming cost growth time 3 to 4 years

Originally published at https://signuptrendingnature.com on December 12, 2023.




Written by Aspbeginner

I love nature and I have started a blog for nature- signuptrendingnature.com

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