Potato Farming/Uttarakhand Profit 2 Lakh Per/acre — Signup Trending Nature
Calculation given earn 2 lakh per acre by potato cultivation using this technique. Maximum and minimum temperature 30 degree C to 32 degree C and 18 degree to 20 degree C, respectively. Average price of potato varies- Rs10–20 per/kg- 20–25 per/kg some time above Rs 40. bed technique in potato farming. 1 Acre is equal to 1.6 Bigha.
Today I will help you to find the correct way of potato farming (including bed technique), we will learn soil, temperature, water required for it, investment, profit from one acre land, where to sell and more. Lets dive in
Potatoes are soil friendly and can be grown on almost any well drained soil, but don’t like wet soil, because they are underground growing crop, they can expand more easily in loose, loamy soil.
If we talk about the technique which is used in Uttarakhand to grow potato is very simple and organic. People usually dip the potato in a tub which is filled by cow urine, so they don’t need any antifungal spray. It also depends on the atmosphere.
First Step — You need sprout potatoes, you can also make them to produce sprout. One just need to purchase some potatoes from market and tie them in a cloth then store them for a week and you can see sprout grown out of them.
Secound Step — Once you find the sprouted potato, make 2–4 slice of the potato according to the sprouts on it, take care while slicing it because you need to protect the sprout because it will work as a seed to grow new potatoes.
Third Step- Dig all the slices in farm, make sure there should be difference of ten inches among the potato slices.
Cultivation- Cultivation is done by the help of animals like couple of ox, were used for the process.
Potato Farming-Profit or Loss ?
If you will ask me whether potato farming is profitable farming or not then I would say “YES” it is profitable. First it is one of the most demanding vegetable in the world. While talking about India it is third most used crop after wheat and lentils. The cultivation of the crop is easy and does not take much time to grow.
one just needs a farm to cultivate it.
When we talks about Uttarakhand then it becomes more easier due to the weather compatibility with the particular crop. Water and irrigation problems are also solved by the nature, automatically.
Price of 1 kg potato varies between Rs 10–20 per/kg, 20–30 per/kg, when it comes about pahadi aalu it begins with Rs 40 per/kg
Lets calculate -
Generally one acre land produces 100–125 quintal potatoes
1 quintal = 100 kg
let’s take 100 quintal
100 quintal = 10,000 kg
Let’s take average price Rs 20 per/kg
20 x 10,000 = 200,000 — Two Lakh Per Acre
Don’t forget to reduce your investment including electricity bill.
Note — This is the profit of one acre only if someone is cultivating it in more or less than one acre than profit may differ, accordingly.
The potato belongs to the family of “solanaceae” and genus of “solanum”. Potatoes are good source of carbohydrates and it is the king of vegetables hence used in almost every dish. When it comes to most number of crops grown in India, after wheat and lentils it holds third position. It is the crop of winters, it is rabi season crop grown in India. Lets have a look of the various crops grown according to the season:
Rabi Crops Vs Kharif Crops
Potatoes are grown in which season?
Potatoes are the crop of winters and hence grown in rabi season. The crops grown in rabi season require cold climate with dry conditions for their best growth and good yield. October to March is the best season for these crops but it is not fix, this may change for different regions in the world and it depends on their local climatic conditions. The plants which are grown in rabi season requires long days for better flowering of crop plants.
- Most common Potatoes — Russet Potatoes
- Russet potatoes are medium to large, when it comes to shape and size.
Rarest Potatoes in the world Bonnotte de Noirmoutie
This variety goes back to the 1920s. They are rare species of potatoes and are found of the French Atlantic coast in the bay of biscay.
Varieties of potatoes — There are more than four thousand varieties of potatoes. They come in different size and shapes. We can also find 180 wild verities of potatoes but they are too bitter to eat.
Most expensive potato — La Bonnotte is the most expensive potato that cost 600 us dollar per/kg. They are grown on French island of Noirmoutier.
Water Required to grow Potatoes
Generally Potatoes need between one-two inches of water per week. They need different amount of water at different time.
In Uttarakhand villages there is hardly any water given by the villagers to their crops. They still manage to grow crops like wheat, jhangora, rice and potato as well. I have never seen villagers giving water to their farms here the atmosphere plays a key role. Hence, all the farming is done in the organic way.
Source of irrigation for potato
Drip irrigation is always best for any farming it is also useful to save water. In potato cultivation drip irrigation is quite successful method yet.
When should one stop watering potato plants
One should stop watering 2 weeks before harvesting the potatoes you also need to look the vines if they turned yellow, stop watering.
Different stages of growing potatoes
Stages can be divided in few steps
Sprout development// Sowing potato slices//Vegetable growth// Tuber initiation// Tuber bulking// Maturation
Utter Pradesh stands first in production of potatoes, West Bengal is not much far from UP.
In which season potato is grown in India
It is a crop of winters, so it is also known as rabi crop, that are sown from October to November.
Correct way to plant potato
- Potatoes are best grown in rows. Beginning step- dig a trench that is six to eight inches deep.
- Plant each piece of potato but make sure- cut side down with the eyes pointing up, every 12–15 inches with the row spaced three feet.
- Let the plant start to grow just fill the trench and mound the soil around the plants.
- To remove weeds it is necessary to cultivate the soil one more time.
- This will loosen the soil and allow the plants to become established more quickly.
Common Pests and care needed in plantation:
Couldn’t stop myself to share funny things. This is the only weakness I have.
Aphids, Flee Beetles, Pig worm and Green worm, potato scab- most likely caused by soil with high pH.
Potatoes like acidic soil so do not soil with a pH higher than 5.2
Potatoes like a slightly acidic soil, pH of around 5.0 but will grow in a range from 5.0 to 6.5
Animal manure are the best nutrients, specially cow urine is used in Uttarakhand farming for good organic results.
Manures are best added to the soil in the fall before planting to allow the soil microbes time to their magic breaking it down into usable nutrients.
Spread the manure over the garden before folding it into the top six to eight inches of soil with a plow, rotary tiller hoe or shovel.
The potato must harvested at the right stage of maturity when leaves turn yellow and dry.
BED Plantation Technique
Usually one acre farm gives around 100–125 quintals of potato yield to the farmers who are using the rich plantation method but with BED plantation method one can produce 170 quintals of potato per-acre
BED Plantation technique not only helps to increase the yield of the crop, but is very helpful for a healthy crop as well.
This technique increases water using efficiency of the crop, helps in absorbing nutrients and smoothens the aeration facility of the crop which ultimately gives good results.
According to the experts furrow irrigation method not wastes water, but a flood of water becomes hindrance for the crop to absorb nutrients. In this technique only fifteen kg urea is enough for one acre of land.
Originally published at https://signuptrendingnature.com on January 28, 2021.