Tree Value Calculator And Fast Growing Costly Trees To Plant — Signup Trending Nature — STN

4 min readAug 14, 2024


Tree value calculator helps finding out the value of the tree. If you want to sell an American Elm tree in the USA and don’t know the price then simply use this tree value calculator to find out its price.

Tree value calculator is used to identify the price of a particular tree. Enter the average height and width of the tree in the tree value calculator that you want to sell. To get the value of timber, multiply the dollar value with the specific number of trees. Hardwood trees are more costly than softwood trees. Black walnuts, White pine, Black locust are costly trees in the USA. Hybrid poplar tree is one of the fastest growing trees in the world that needs only 3.5 to 4 years. Mahogany tree is one of the best trees grown for higher returns in 8 to 12 years. It doesn’t need any care and maintenance and can grow anywhere on the earth except heavy snowfall regions.

Tree value calculator and costly trees in America

Tree spacing calculator is used to calculate the spacing between two trees and rows. Tree value calculator is used to figure the market price of the tree.

Timber value calculator

First count the number of harvester timber trees.

Suppose there are 100 harvesting timbers in an acre.

Enter the average height and width in the tree value calculator.

To get the average value of timber, multiply the dollar value with 100 trees.

The tree value calculator is able to calculate all the trees including the most demanding trees in the USA. It calculates the value of black walnut, oak tree, pine tree, mahogany and many more trees. If you want to remove a tree from your garden back yard or near by house then book the tree removal services. The tree removal cost in Atlanta Georgia is around $880.

Hardwood trees are more valuable than software trees. Taller trees up to 50 feet have more worth. They usually don’t have much branches and leaves, these trees have a straight stem so they sell at a higher price. Whereas shorter trees with more branches, leaves and unstructured stems have low worth.

Costly trees in America

Black walnut, White pine, Black locust are some of the costly trees in US and European countries. African ebony is the world’s most expensive tree.

Fastest growing tree

I don’t know whether European people are growing this tree or not but Indians are growing this tree in large quantities. It is a hybrid poplar tree that takes only 3.5 to 4 years for harvesting.

Low cost tree with high returns in 10 years

Mahogany tree doesn’t need any care and maintenance. It needs water in low quantities. Give water only for 2 years after that you can leave watering it. You can grow this tree in barren land as well. It is one of the easiest trees to grow in any shape, size and kind of farm. I have already written in depth about mahogany tree farming and best practices including its price. You can read about it in detail in my other posts. Mahogany eBook also available.

Benefits of growing trees

Pole wood production — It’s all about 90% softwood plantations and trees are used in different years 7, 14 and 21 years. These trees are either thinned or cut for various uses including short fence posts, stakes, telephone poles and large posts used in posts and beam constructions. We can divide them in 3 phases: Every 3rd or 4th tree is thinned in 7th year for short fences over 5 feet and stakes. In the 14th year every second tree is thinned for high fences over 5 feet. In 21 years the tree height becomes taller and used for telephone poles and large poles.

Growing tree for biomass — The trees are grown in land with shorter crop rotation average 5 years. Their cut stumps are used to grow new trees.

Tree plantation to sell wood after 8 to 10 years — There are some trees that are harvested and sold after 8 to 10 years and 12 to 15 years. Mahogany tree is sold after 10 years, some farmers also sell it after 8 years and sandalwood trees are sold after 12 to 15 years.

Why should I grow trees?

People have different mindsets when it comes to growing trees. Some grow trees as an investment and get a handsome profit after some years by selling their wood. Some grow trees for peace and internal satisfaction, some people are connected with the environment and want to give back something to the environment. Some grow trees for Biomass and some grow trees to rebuild the ecosystem.

Now it’s up to you why you want to grow a tree depending on what kind of mindset and plans you have. Do let me know your thoughts so please share in the comment box.

Conclusion — Now you know how to use a tree value calculator. You also got an idea about costly trees in USA such as Black walnuts, White pine, Black locust. Benefits of growing trees are huge so grow them. Poplar is the fastest growing tree that grows in 3.5 years to 4 years and mahogany is one of the best trees that grows anywhere on the earth.

Originally published at on August 14, 2024.




Written by Aspbeginner

I love nature and I have started a blog for nature-

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