World Environment Day 2021 Ideas For The Government — Signup Trending Nature
Namami Gange Programme launch date 2014 it is a mission with budget 20,000 crore through this mission the government has started making policy around cleaning the ganga river and main motive of this mission is rejuvenation of the national river ganga by making it completely pollution free.
Suggestion — Need to check the hotels and industries that are still producing lots of waste materials and allowing it to flow in ganga river. Making policy and scheme launch is not enough need to implement on ground level too.
Green Skill Development Programme 2018
Green skill development programme launch date (GSDP) May 15, 2018 it is formed for training people under environment and forest sector pan India. Aim of GSDP is to provide training over 5.5 lakh workers in environment and forest sectors pan India.
This programme will help in obtaining (NDCs) National Determined Contributions, (SDGs) Sustainable Development Goals, (NBTs) National Biodiversity Targets and waste management rules.
It also provides basic course of skilled training in biodiversity conservations and advance course of Para-taxonomists
Swachh bharat abiyan starting date octo 2 2014 it was planned to launch on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The aim of swach bharat abhiyan is to stop the open defecation. This mission was divided into two parts rural and arban where ministry of drinking water and sanitation is responsible for rural areas and ministry of housing and urban affairs is responsible for urban areas.
Nagar van scheme starting date 05.06.2020 the aim of nagar van scheme is to develop 200 Urban forests pan India in the up coming five years.
Atal Bhuj Yojana (ABHY) 25 December 2019
Atal bhuj yojana starting date 25 Dec 2019 it was started on the 95th birth anniversary of former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Atal Bihari Vajpayee yojana aim is to improve ground water management in 7 states of India within 5 years. It is a mega budget yojana of Rs 6,000 crore that includes 78 districts, 193 blocks
Jal Jeevan Mission 2019
Jal jeevan mission launch date August 2019 aim of the mission is to supply 55 litre water per person every day in every rural household through FHTC means functional household tap connection by 2024.
National Clean Air Programme 2019
National clean air programme launch date January 2019 the aim of this mission is to reduce the air pollution by 20–30 % in five years
Originally published at on June 5, 2021.